Effective Defense in Pickleball

Preparation for your matchees

Effective Defense in Pickleball 

By: Kyle McMakin

When it comes to defense, the key is to relieve pressure from your opponent's attack. Here are some strategies to help you succeed:

Keys to Effective Defense:

1. Ready Position: Start every point with a solid ready position. Stay balanced on both feet, with your paddle in front and your body loose and relaxed. This stance sets you up to react quickly and turn defense into offense seamlessly. Super simple yet super effective.

2. Pickleball Split-Step: Adopting a split-step technique, similar to tennis, is crucial for swift adjustments and precise reactions. Time your split-step just as your opponents are about to hit the ball to ensure you're balanced and ready for any shot.

3. Generate Time: Ensure that your shots bounce, giving you and your partner time to recover and regroup after defending against aggressive plays.

4. Correct Court Position: Avoid lunging for shots by positioning yourself strategically based on the ball's location. Make sure to split step right before your opponent strikes the ball to maintain a stationary position, giving you the best chance to counter effectively.

5. Counter Attack: When your opponent attacks, seize the opportunity to counter. Contact the ball in front of you to avoid getting jammed, and keep your paddle face aligned with where you want the ball to go. A minimal backswing and a focused path will help you execute successful counterattacks.

Mastering these defensive strategies will not only strengthen your game but also give you the confidence to handle your opponent's attack with ease. 

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