Avoiding the Biggest Mistake in Pickleball

Avoiding the Biggest Mistake in Pickleball: That You’re Most Likely Doing & Not Even Aware Of

By; Kyle McMakin

Hey Pickleball Players!

I’m a pro and head coach at LevelUp Pickleball Camps, I've had the incredible privilege of guiding over 1,500 individuals on their pickleball journey. My dedication to the sport extends beyond the court. I'm also a proud contributor to Pickleball Magazine, where I share my insights and expertise. I played collegiate tennis at UC Davis, won two triple crowns at the 5.0 level, am a Nationals Champion, and PPA Bubley Men’s Doubles Winner. I'm not just here to coach; I'm here to inspire, to empower, and to elevate your game to new heights. Join me on this exciting journey as we strive for excellence together!

Avoiding the Biggest Mistake in Pickleball: That You’re Most Likely Doing & Not Even Aware Of 

Ever wonder why some returns fall short or leave you scrambling to catch up? Let's talk about the biggest mistake you might be making without even realizing it: not getting all the way up to the kitchen line after your return.

Picture this scenario: Joe, eager to return Mike’s serve, stands close to the baseline. He takes a step back as the ball approaches, then hits it hard and flat. But here's the kicker, he isn’t able to move all of the way up after his swing, leaving himself stranded halfway to the net.

The result? Mike and his partner seize the opportunity to dominate the point, leaving Joe and his partner struggling to catch up. So what's the secret to avoiding this common mistake?

Coaching Tip: When returning, remember to:

1. Stand 6 feet behind the back line.

2. Approach the ball with your energy moving forward.

3. Contact the ball in front of you.

4. Follow through with a smooth, low-to-high swing and balanced body.

5. Let your momentum carry you forward into the court.

6. Get up to the kitchen line before the ball gets back to your side.

By following these steps, you'll not only improve your returns but also gain a strategic advantage on the court. Remember, the returning team has the advantage, so make sure you're making the most of it!

And here's a little homework assignment for you: Next time you're on the court, pay attention to where each player stands before every serve. You might be surprised at how often players fail to reach the kitchen line after their return.

Let's continue to learn and grow together as we strive for excellence on the pickleball court.

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